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91806 Project Reclaim Phase II ATP FONSI signed

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United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING

RECLAMATION AND ENFORCEMENT Charleston Field Office 1027 Virginia Scot, East Charleston, West Virginia 25301

December 9, 2020 Authorization to Proceed

Lesa Baker, Project Coordinator Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mined Land Reclamation

3405 Mountain Empire Road

Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219

Dear Mrs. Baker:

The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) has determined that Project Reclaim Phase II under the 2018 Pilot Program has met the following criteria:

  1. The projects have been entered in the Enhanced Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System (e-AMLIS) in problem area VA-00821 in compliance with Directive AML-1.

  2. Environmental documents, including compliance information for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental requirements and documented with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on December 9, 2020.

  3. The ATP request included an AML eligibility statement and basis for claiming AML eligibility.

Accordingly, pursuant to 30 CFR 886.16, you are authorized to proceed with this project and expend Federal funds in accordance with AML grant terms and conditions. If this project provided funding to a subrecipient through a subaward, the subrecipient must be approved by OSM separately from this ATP. OSM subrecipient approval can be requested either through the initial award application or through a separate request.


Fe CORN 78 for:

Charleston Field Office




Project Reclaim Phase II– AML Pilot/Site No. 91806 2018 VA AML Pilot Grant

Priority 3: Other/Associated with Priority 3, 32 AC Gob (Site 18302) Estimated Cost: $1,645,340 Russell County, Virginia

The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), Division of Mined Land Reclamation (DMLR), Abandoned Mine Land Section submitted an Authorization to Proceed (ATP) request for Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) FY 2018 Pilot grant funds to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), Charleston Field Office (CHFO) for Project Reclaim Phase II. The ATP request consists of an Environmental Assessment (EA), with consultation correspondence, project description, eligibility, and location maps. E-amlis documentation has been submitted and obtained separately by DMME and are not included within the Environmental Assessment.

Project Reclaim is located off State Route 615 on Dumps Creek of the Middle Fork Clinch River, approximately 0.2 miles west of the intersection of State Routes 600 and 615 in Russell County, Virginia. Coordinates for the approximate project location center are 36° 57’ 47"N, and 82° 11’ 39"W. Project area mapping is comprised of a section of the Carbo USGS 7.5 Min. Quadrangle. The project site is within the Clinchfield Problem Area, VA-00821.

Project work during Phase II will include continued backfill of an AML void/waste area with rock material to create a larger area suitable for development. The fill material is screened refuse, unscreened refuse or shot material from borrow areas contained within the existing DMME coal permit number 1302253. The replacement material will be non-toxic and non-acid producing. Erosion and sediment control measures include small excavated pits adjacent to the work areas to catch drainage and if necessary use of ponds contained with the existing mine permit. All drainage structures and access roads are also contained on the active mine permit and will be maintained as required for no environmental impact. Strict erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented throughout construction and all disturbed areas will be promptly revegetated using seed mixtures agreed upon by state and federal agencies.

DMME records indicate the gob feature associated with the connected Golden Pond Enhancement project (Site 18302) is eligible for AML funding, and was a result of mining conducted prior to August 3, 1977, therefore, there is no continuing responsibility for any individual, firm, or organization to reclaim the gob site; therefore DMME found the site eligible for AML funding.

Phase II does not contain reclamation of AML features but will provide a socioeconomic stimulus to the surrounding communities. As listed in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public Law 115-141) the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) made funding available for projects in the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Economic Development Pilot Program (AML Pilot) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. Under this pilot program, eligible projects can be land adjacent to unreclaimed or


Project Reclaim Phase II- AML Pilot/Site No. 91806 2018 VA AML Pilot Grant

Priority 3: Other/Associated with Priority 3, 32 AC Gob (Site 18302) Estimated Cost: $1,645,340 Russell County, Virginia

The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), Division of Mined Land Reclamation (DMLR), Abandoned Mine Land Section submitted an Authorization to Proceed (ATP) request for Federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) FY 2018 Pilot grant funds to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM), Charleston Field Office (CHFO) for Project Reclaim Phase II. The ATP request consists of an Environmental Assessment (EA), with consultation correspondence, project description, eligibility, and location maps. E-amlis documentation has been submitted and obtained separately by DMME and are not included within the Environmental Assessment.

Project Reclaim is located off State Route 615 on Dumps Creek of the Middle Fork Clinch River, approximately 0.2 miles west of the intersection of State Routes 600 and 615 in Russell County, Virginia. Coordinates for the approximate project location center are 36° 57’ 47"N, and 82° 11° 39"W. Project area mapping is comprised of a section of the Carbo USGS 7.5 Min, Quadrangle. The project site is within the Clinchfield Problem Area, VA-00821.

Project work during Phase II will include continued backfill of an AML void/waste area with rock material to create a larger area suitable for development. The fill material is screened refuse, unscreened refuse or shot material from borrow areas contained within the existing DMME coal permit number 1302253. The replacement material will be non-toxic and non-acid producing, Erosion and sediment control measures include small excavated pits adjacent to the work areas to catch drainage and if necessary use of ponds contained with the existing mine permit. All drainage structures and access roads are also contained on the active mine permit and will be maintained as required for no environmental impact. Strict erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented throughout construction and all disturbed areas will be promptly revegetated using seed mixtures agreed upon by state and federal agencies.

DMME records indicate the gob feature associated with the connected Golden Pond Enhancement project (Site 18302) is eligible for AML funding, and was a result of mining conducted prior to August 3, 1977, therefore, there is no continuing responsibility for any individual, firm, or organization to reclaim the gob site; therefore DMME found the site eligible for AML funding.

Phase II does not contain reclamation of AML features but will provide a socioeconomic stimulus to the surrounding communities. As listed in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (Public Law 115-141) the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) made funding available for projects in the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Economic Development Pilot Program (AML Pilot) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018. Under this pilot program, eligible projects can be land adjacent to unreclaimed or

previously reclaimed AML lands. All environmental consultations were completed, and Tesponses were received from the coordinating agencies,

OSM has thoroughly reviewed the EA prepared by DMME’s Division of Mined Land Reclamation submitted on December 9, 2020. The EA adequately discusses the environmental issues and potential impacts for OSM’s authorization purposes for construction activities performed under abandoned mine land reclamation grants and the AML pilot program.

Based on the analyses in this EA, we find that this project will have no significant impacts on the quality of the human environment. Therefore, we conduce that no detailed environmental impact statement is necessary.

Srugee Dll 12/9/20

Environngéntal Preparer Date

12 lea /ro20 Date

Acting Field Office Director Charleston Field Office OSMRE

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